Build next gen AI search with React

Build next gen AI search with React

UI components to incrementally build AI answers, suggestions, faceted search, recommendations, personalized feeds, semantic search experiences

UI components to incrementally build AI answers, suggestions, faceted search, recommendations, personalized feeds, semantic search experiences

Build next gen AI search with React

UI components to incrementally build AI answers, suggestions, faceted search, recommendations, personalized feeds, semantic search experiences

Build next gen AI search with React

UI components to incrementally build AI answers, suggestions, faceted search, recommendations, personalized feeds, semantic search experiences

Components for every occasion

Components for every occasion

Build the perfect search experience using our UI components or by creating your own. 30+ pre-built components with customizable queries and configurable styles.

Build the perfect search experience using our UI components or by creating your own. 30+ pre-built components with customizable queries and configurable styles.

Get our designer templates for sketch.

Get our designer templates for sketch.

Get our designer templates for sketch.

Get our designer templates for sketch.

Up to 10x Time Savings

Focus on design and user experience as ReactiveSearch handles the details.

Launch and iterate faster

Launch and iterate faster

Launch and iterate faster

30+ well-designed and performance optimized UI components. Ship faster and solve fewer edge cases.

Works with existing UIs

Already have your own components? Bring them to ReactiveSearch.

Configurable styles

Styled components with rich theming and CSS class-injection support.

Create cross-platform apps

Reactivesearch components can be ported to create native mobile UIs.

Reactivesearch components can be ported to create native mobile UIs.

Reactivesearch components can be ported to create native mobile UIs.

Elasticsearch compatible

Connect to an ES index hosted anywhere. Supports v2, v5 and v6.

Customizable queries

Components come with good query defaults, that can be customized with Elasticsearch query DSL.

Build a live app in 5 easy steps

Go from scratch to creating a data-driven search app with our beginner friendly quick start guide.

Get dedicated support

We offer production support for ReactiveSearch. Work with us to bring your dream project to life.

Build a live app in 5 easy steps

Build a live app in 5 easy steps

Go from scratch to creating a data-driven search app with our beginner friendly quick start guide.

Get dedicated support

Get dedicated support

We offer production support for ReactiveSearch. Work with us to bring your dream project to life.


Other Reactive<X> libraries

Build consistent, cross-platform search UIs that delight your users.

You're in good company

Check starter apps

Book Search with Ant Design

Ant Design styled book search app which can be customized to your dataset. Includes Home Page, Search Page, Product Detail Page, Navigation and comes with Mobile Responsiveness. Built with ReactiveSearch.

Movies Store

Codebase + step-by-step tutorials for building a scalable movie store app.


A configurable dashboard app that can be configured with different datasets and comes with the power of data visualization using Recharts & Apex Charts.

ReactiveSearch with GraphQL

ReactiveSearch application for Filter and searching across various Github repositories, it uses GraphQL middleware.

You're in good company

You're in good company