Get Started with Reactive Search

Use our step-by-step guide to learn all about Reactive Search, or check out our docs.


Install ReactiveSearch

ReactiveSearch is a set of React UI components for building data-driven UIs with ElasticSearch.

npm install @appbaseio/reactivesearch


Connect to your ES index

ReactiveSearch components can connect to an Elasticsearch index hosted anywhere.

Get a free trial and create a cluster with


Create or Import dataset

Use Dejavu, an open-source databrowser from to create, view, edit and import dataset into your Elasticsearch index.



UI Components

Add UI components for Search, Lists, Ranges, and Results.

Or add in your own UI components.


ReactiveSearch for <X>

ReactiveSearch is also available for:

Build a live app in 5 easy steps

Go from scratch to creating a data-driven search app with our beginner friendly quick start guide.

Get dedicated support

We offer production support for ReactiveSearch. Work with us to bring your dream project to life.

Get dedicated support

We offer production support for ReactiveSearch. Work with us to bring your dream project to life.

Get dedicated support

We offer production support for ReactiveSearch. Work with us to bring your dream project to life.

Get dedicated support

We offer production support for ReactiveSearch. Work with us to bring your dream project to life.